The Truth About Dental X-Ray Exposure

DF3Cancer, Prevention & Wellness, Routine Dentistry

Let’s assume that you floss, brush, and rinse daily, and get your teeth cleaned twice per year. If you don’t feel any pain or have any “issues,” are x-rays *REALLY* necessary?

The short answer is YES. The long answer is … still YES!

Dental x-rays enable us to see the tips of your teeth roots and bone underneath your gums (which are not visible to the naked eye). Dental x-rays are used within a routine examination to rule out dental disease, and they also help us diagnose any dental problems you may be experiencing….

Read More: The Truth About Dental X-Ray Exposure

7 Dental Home Remedies

7 Home Remedies for Dental Issues

DF2Prevention & Wellness, Routine Dentistry

Maintaining your oral health requires both strong home care habits and regular dental hygiene appointments for professional preventive care.

In non-emergency situations, a home remedy may serve you well – particularly as an interim solution until you can see your dentist.

1. Knocked-out or broken tooth

Whoops, you’ve had an embarrassing face plant. Worse yet, you broke — or lost — your front tooth when your face hit the floor. Losing a tooth is an undeniable emergency, but there are some interim steps you can take to minimize the damage.

Home remedy (interim)
If it’s a baby tooth,…

Read More: 7 Home Remedies for Dental Issues

TMJ Therapy

What is TMJ Appliance Therapy?

DF2Prevention & Wellness, Routine Dentistry

By Dr. Steven Tonelli.

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinge that connects your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull, which are in front of each ear. The joint is used when moving your jaw up and down or side to side. Problems with your jaw and the muscles in your face that control it are known as temporomandibular disorders (TMD).  

Read More: What is TMJ Appliance Therapy?

So Much to be Thankful For

DF2About Us, Routine Dentistry

As the weather cools and the final months of 2021 are upon us, we reflect back on the year coming to a close. It’s been an eventful one for us, and we have much to be thankful for.

1. Recognition from our community

Best of The Readings: The Readings magazine is a quarterly magazine that features the people, places, happenings, and history of Reading and North Reading. Their annual Best of The Readings issue awards businesses, practices, and organizations based on reader polls. We are proud to have been voted a best dental practice in 2021….

Read More: So Much to be Thankful For