The Truth About Dental X-Ray Exposure

DF3Cancer, Prevention & Wellness, Routine Dentistry

Let’s assume that you floss, brush, and rinse daily, and get your teeth cleaned twice per year. If you don’t feel any pain or have any “issues,” are x-rays *REALLY* necessary?

The short answer is YES. The long answer is … still YES!

Dental x-rays enable us to see the tips of your teeth roots and bone underneath your gums (which are not visible to the naked eye). Dental x-rays are used within a routine examination to rule out dental disease, and they also help us diagnose any dental problems you may be experiencing….

Read More: The Truth About Dental X-Ray Exposure

Oral Health During Cancer Treatment

DF2Cancer, Prevention & Wellness

The American Cancer Society reports that nearly 40% of us will be diagnosed with cancer at some point during our lifetime. While living a healthy lifestyle may improve your odds of avoiding cancer, other factors — such as genetics — may make a cancer diagnosis more likely.

As anyone who’s undergone radiation or chemotherapy knows too well, cancer treatment can have effects on your entire body. According to the National Institutes of Health, almost 40% of all patients receiving chemotherapy have resulting oral complications.

Complications can be caused by the treatment itself or can be side effects resulting from the treatment….

Read More: Oral Health During Cancer Treatment